LISTENING TO FLY - 48x17.8 Brushed Aluminum Metal (Limited to 11 - 10 left)

Listening to Fly(1).png
Listening to Fly(1).png

LISTENING TO FLY - 48x17.8 Brushed Aluminum Metal (Limited to 11 - 10 left)


I titled this art: Listening to Fly

I believe we are all in this life together, and every human deserves clarity, abundance, and vitality. We all deserve to enjoy living, yet I couldn’t have looked you in the eyes believing that until I was over 50. You are the only unique ONE with your exprience, which makes you my teacher, and every moment helpful instruction, if I choose to see it that way.

I don't feel the need to convince, rather I've come to love creating and sharing art that has highly intentional meaning that can really make an impact. I take pictures of what looks broken, dirty, or undesirable in any way. This piece is a duplicated and reflected image of a motor oil leak onto rain soaked asphalt in the parking lot of a convenience store. I want to maintain the purity, so I do not manipulate (i.e. Photoshop) the image to something that wasn't naturally occurring. I import the image into Lightroom and boost the color saturation and vibrance all the way up to see what range of colors and light show my limited eyes couldn't see. I keep fine tuning hues, amount of color, light, shadows, etc. until the once undesirable image is genuinely beautiful to me.

This art represents personal social transformation; learning to spread our wings by listening to learn instead of listening to react; discovering our world inside; perceiving ourselves more balanced-whole and beautiful, learning we can fly and we are capable of whatever we focus our attention on, instead of feeling partially broken.

The art honors fear, surrenders resistance, intentionally respects difference and human dignity, and at the same time inspires more peace with less division. We've come a long way together talking of diversity. There is a more peaceful and effective pathway. The intention of this art is to inspire more balance and peace by increasing personal and societal Inclusivity. Does more balance in your own life or in society sound good to you?

Inclusivity accepts yet transcends talk of diversity, and is perhaps the most mature, humane, dignified, and loving characteristic to develop. It can transform our world.

This art is more than a Badass brushed aluminum light refracting bedazzling conversation piece. It cures lonliness. If the piece speaks to you, or If you have someone in mind



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